11 December 2009

why i am here

today she got naked and shook her tiny ass in my face chanting "shake yr booty! shake yr booty!" she refused to get dressed until we found her fairy costume and then fell asleep on my chest with gauze wings crushing into her back. he was going through my purse and i asked him what he was doing and he said "looking for yr wallet." she said come downstairs, dance party, and i was confident after playing cinderella, cleaning every crack of the goddamn tile floor. my thumbknuckle leaking blood the whole time i am clean and clean and clean and clean.

07 December 2009

i said i wouldn't do this again

I Had Not Cried MySelf To Sleep In Such A Long While

06 December 2009

pt. II

leave the calendar at november

suddenly everything becomes about myself. it is only
& just, me. it becomes life as retribution

who knows it becomes

who have i been who was i then who am i



how much
what need

ever a changing notion

03 December 2009

damn heart

fuck this, i'm gonna go buy a bottle of wine

1 4 1 4 one for

you grab a line and i'll grab a pole honey
you grab a line and i'll grab a pole babe

you grab a line and i'll grab a pole
we'll all go down to the crawdad hole
honey, sweet baby, mine